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       Language is one of the most powerful means through which sexism and gender discrimination are perpetrated and reproduced. Language reproduces the societal asymmetries of status and power in favor of men. By choosing terms and expressions, people can affect the attributions of the receiver in a way that is consistent with their stereotypical beliefs.


      Linguistic is a very subtle resource used to represent women in a less favorable way and thus to enact gender discrimination without meaning to discriminate or even be aware that this linguistic behaviour has discriminatory results. In order to reduce gender bias, it is necessary to change people’s linguistic habits by making them aware of the use of non gender-fair expressions.

      With the objective of making users aware of the use of this expressions I developed a Google Chrome Extension. The plug-in analyses the text of the page where the user is at and underlines on purple every non gender-fair expression. In addition, if the user is interested in knowing the reasons of the unfairness or if the user is interested in learning alternative synonyms, a link can be open be clicking on top of the word. In this link the user can find all the information on the expression.

      The current version has only been developed in Spanish. However, a new version is currently being developed to include English and French.


      Currently the Chrome Extension can be downloaded at chrome://extensions/ 

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